Beyond Spam Filters: Comprehensive Email Protection for Today's Cyber Threats

While traditional spam filters once provided a significant line of defense, the sophistication of today's email-based threats has outpaced these tools.
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From Firewalls to Assessments, how Magix CVM can fortify your Vulnerability Management

Vulnerability Management is painful, it won't be with Magix CVM.
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Enhance your overall cybersecurity posture with a Cybersecurity Gap Assessment

The role of Cybersecurity gap assessments in organisations of all sizes
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How to incorporate PCI DSS Testing into your devops cycle

A concise guide on how to better incorporate PCI DSS into your devlops cycle.
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When is it Time for a PCI DSS Test? A Guide for E-commerce Businesses

We help explain to businesses when they need to become PCI compliant and the aspects they should watch out for in the process.
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How to become PCI DSS compliant

A detailed guide on how to become PCI compliant
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Understanding the Evolution: Key Changes in PCI DSS 4.0 and Their Impact

A comprehensive look at the key changes PCI DSS 4.0 is bringing and their impact
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How to Interpret and Act on Penetration Testing Results Effectively

Having difficulty knowing what to do with your Penetration Test results? This article is a detailed guide on the best next steps after Penetration Testing.
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Magix: 5 Cybersecurity Trends for 2024

The pivotal cybersecurity trends for 2024 of advanced AI, quantum computing, increased regulation, cyber resilience, and IoT security.
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Don't Let Hackers Ruin Your Black Friday: A Cybersecurity Guide for Shoppers & Sellers

Navigate Black Friday securely with our comprehensive guide, uncovering key cyber threats like Quishing, DDOS, and Domain Spoofing, and exploring effective cybersecurity practices for both shoppers and sellers.
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Why Regular Security Audits are Non-Negotiable for Modern Enterprises

Regular security audits can be the difference between a thriving enterprise and one that faces insurmountable challenges
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The Human Firewall: Training Your Employees to Be the First Line of Defence

Consider the startling statistic: in 2019, 32% of breaches involved phishing, according to Verizon's Data Breach Investigations Report.
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Cybersecurity Requires Partnerships, Not Products

The biggest misconception about cybersecurity any company can have is; “We’ll never come under attack”.
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What 3 decades of surfing the web has taught us about online safety.

Exploring how a few common cybercrime types have evolved – offering a few tried-and-true methods for safeguarding your data and systems in today’s digital world.
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What is PCI DSS and Why It Matters for Your Business

A concise breakdown of what PCI DSS and how it impacts your company
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The Connection Between Cookies and Cyber Security

Why you should be aware of what cookies are and how they are taking advantage of by hackers.
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Who Cyber criminals attack most and what are the most common attacks

According to a recent study, nearly 60% of online businesses have suffered from hack
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Ransomware attacks in 2023: What to expect and how to protect yourself

Ransomware attacks have become prevalent in recent years. What are the trends we have seen in 2023?
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The Most Common Vulnerabilities Found in Penetration Testing

What are some of the most common vulnerabilities found in penetration testing.
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Don’t take the bait: Your guide to detecting and avoiding phishing campaigns

Phishing is a cyber threat that does not discriminate; whether you're a multinational corporation or a local school district, you're a potential target
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Navigating Common PCI DSS Compliance Mistakes: A Guide to Strengthening Your Security

Unpacking and understanding the world of PCI Compliance.
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Penetration Test vs. Vulnerability Scan

Know the differences between Penetration Testing and Vulnerability Scans
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